Not Your Average Creepypastas Wikia

LexPetitxVampire LexPetitxVampire 12 February 2016

The Curse of the Boysenberry

Marie looked at the horizon, coasters tore out of palm trees and scraped at the blue sky above them. “Mrs. Brown?” said a voice, she heard the voice but the voice sounded far away, in another land perhaps. The voice was dry and wispy like the rattle of willow leaves. “Mrs. Brown? Earth to Mrs. Brown!”

Marie turned and saw Clyde, who had just gotten out of the car. He handed his camera to her, she caught a whiff of him, Axe body spray and pot. The display screen on his camera cast a magical moony glow. Dense and dark and still smelling of summer, the trees laced their branches across the parking lot from the little picnic area.

Marie’s last name was not Brown, she just happened to have a crush on a guy who’s last name was Brown. “You want me …

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LexPetitxVampire LexPetitxVampire 3 February 2016

Paranoia Chapter 1

Theresa Terri Dolan’s scariest moment in life was her summons to Jury Duty. To everyone who simply passed Terri on the street or who knew her about as well as someone she saw briefly every morning, they thought she was well off and lived a decent life and if Jury Duty was the scariest moment in her life, she must be doing something right!

Her life was well off, she was not rich but she was not poor either. And for a fleeting moment, if Jury Duty was the worst thing to happen since her father died almost ten years ago, Terri had little to no room to complain. But she held a secret away from the people who passed her by on the street, the people she saw everyday, her friends, everyone.

The only person to know was her sister. It was almost as i…

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LexPetitxVampire LexPetitxVampire 2 February 2016

The Man in the Abandoned Building


This happened in the summer of 2012, my fiancé, now my ex, came to visit me in Fullerton from England. We were in a long distance relationship. While he was visiting me, I decided to show him my favorite town in California, Yermo. It was the place I explored my first abandoned building, it was the place where I got bit by the urbexing bug. He had never been.

Before we stopped in at my favorite diner in town, I decided to take him to explore an abandoned mechanic’s garage on the edge of the town. or at least the main drag.

He was into cars, so I figured it’d be a cool thing to show him. By no means was the building beautiful. It was a brown stucco structure. Not that uncommon in a place like California. But inside, she was beautiful. Ye…

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LexPetitxVampire LexPetitxVampire 25 January 2016


The digital alarm clock approached the alarm time, 8:50 A. M. Early for a party-going college student of 21 years. Verda Gohlinghorsh woke up, with a minute left to go before her alarm would ring out its loud song. It was Sunday, and the only reason she woke up this early on Sundays was so she could get back into the swing in time for Monday.

Verda was happy about no classes today, her right eye felt funny, like something was stuck in the tear duct, something like a superball; those fifty cent pieces of crap that little boys are always bouncing.  She padded her way to the bathroom, praying this wasn’t some shitty sty. If it was, Parker would have to come over and play the super hero boyfriend for Verda, then laugh at her fear of eye balls.


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LexPetitxVampire LexPetitxVampire 8 January 2016

Which House Am I At?

I live in Jackson, Missouri and when my cousin and me were much younger, we enjoyed going to Farmington Water Park. But ever since she started high school, we had really become distant. My cousin is only three years younger than me, so when she attended my high school, she saw the seventeen-year-old version of me that was not the sixteen-year-old version of me and that version died when I was 18.5 years old. I was wild.

I was dating a girl, drinking booze, going to dances and sneaking out to make-out with my girlfriend. So, she blended in with the snobs at Jackson High. I dropped out and went into home school, around that time, she had gotten in trouble with drinking at a party. Not with the law, but with a boy. They had a sloppy night toge…

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LyraAlluse LyraAlluse 2 December 2015

Major Music Project

It has been a while since I have updated my journal so I thought I would let everyone know that I am working on a major music project right now. I am excited because I am getting my songs officially produced.

If you want to check out my music and support the project, you can follow the links below.

Check out my Facebook Music Page:

Check out my Reverbnation Page:

Check out my Sound Cloud Page:

Check out my MySpace Music Page:

Check out my YouTube Music Page:

Keep updated about my music project here:…

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LyraAlluse LyraAlluse 2 December 2015

I've Been Published

Hello everyone! I am just making this entry to announce that I have had some of my stories and poems published in different collections. I am really excited! I will also be publishing other stories and poems soon. I will be posting updates as more of my work is published in different collections and on various websites.

Update #1

I Published Two Stories In Delightful Horrors: Tales From the Darkest Corners of the Web

The book collection was put together by Kenneth Kohl.

My story, ‘Don’t Eat The Sandwiches’ appears on page 5.

My story, ‘Paranormal HQ TV’ appears on page 115.

Two of my stories, ‘Don’t Eat The Sandwiches’ and ‘Paranormal HQ TV’ have been published in this literary collection.

You can see a preview of it on Amazon by following this l…

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LyraAlluse LyraAlluse 2 December 2015

My Featured Artwork

I had four of my art pieces featured on Equestria Daily!

You can find my featured art pieces here:

The art pieces featured were:

MLP Key Chains:

MLP Beaded Cosplay Ears:

Octavia Cutie Mark Fashion Necklace:

Vinyl Scratch Cutie Mark Fashion Necklace:

I also had nine of my art pieces featured in the film Faye's Redemption!

You can see my featured art pieces by checking out…

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